
Trusted and chosen by customers across industries to implement regulatory compliance best practices

Policy Management Software that is installs right on your
Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint platform

Extend the Platform Your Employees Are On

  • Manage the entire policy lifecycle within one easy to use software
  • Policy Management Software installs as an App on Microsoft 365 SharePoint Online. 
  •  Use Word Online for all document drafting, track changes and version control. Word Plugin to allow for easy content automation
  • Plugins for Outlook and Teams to easily notify employees and complete task assignments
  • Connected right into your Active Directory to allow for easy Single Sign on, roles based access and associated notifications. No user management required  when people leave or join the organization.

Draft, Review and Approve Policy and Procedure Documents

Policy and Procedure Drafting: Create New or Use Existing Templates

  • Create standardized policy and procedure templates for the entire organization to use.
  • Use pre-approved content across all documents.
  • All of your templates and documents are stored within your Microsoft 365 SharePoint platform.
  • Drafters use the policy management system within your SharePoint environment to work on the latest version of the document using Microsoft Word Online and Word plug-ins provided by ConvergePoint

  • Always be ready for regulatory and internal audits with version history and audit trails to see who did what and what changes were made.

  • Use policy management metadata and task approval data within the document content.

Policy Workflows and Email Alerts

  • Structured pre-defined rules on how specific policy documents should be reviewed.
  • All drafters, reviewers, and approvers for each policy and procedure are clearly identified.
  • A complete audit trail of everything that happens during the policy workflow process.
  • Automated notifications to relevant employees when each policy and procedure document was published.

Policy Management System - Review and Approval

  • The software automatically assigns the policy document to the assigned reviewers and approvers
  • Structured processes with industry best practices to handle policy and procedure document rejection or change requests
  • All comments and approvals are tracked in one central place.
  • Complete audit trail of every step in the review and approval process captured across versions.

Policy Documents - Renewals and Expirations

  • Automated alerts when documents are up for renewal.
  • Ability to revise or renew at a click of a button.
  • A clear audit trail tracks revision history and renewal history to pass any audits that will happen after many years. 
  • A clear indication of which documents are currently active and which ones are expired.
  • Automated notifications to relevant employees when revised documents are published

Policy Audit Trails and Activity History

  • With the policy management software, you can easily keep track of all the activity that took place during the drafting, reviewing, and approving of policies and procedures.
  • Structured audit trails with comments by each reviewer and approver make your evidence more easily reportable in the event of an audit.
  • Retain a clear history of which versions of documents were available to employees each year for easy access and tracking in the event an audit arises.

Create one central repository for all your policy and procedure documents

Policy Library

  • The policy management software will be the central location for your employees to find all policies and procedures.
  • Employees can quickly search for and view any document that is relevant to their role within the organization. 
  • Roles-based access based on employee function, region, or department.
  • Automatic alerts to employees when new versions of the policy or procedure is available.

Ensure that employees have read and understood specific policies and procedures

Policy and Procedure Certification and Acknowledgement

  • Use Microsoft 365 SharePoint and your email address book to easily assign documents to employees to read and acknowledge.
  • Have employees take a quiz on the content of your policy or procedure if needed to quickly see if they understood the document.
  • Send automated email alerts to employees to remind them to complete tasks.
  • Department Managers can quickly see which employees are in compliance and who aren’t.
  • Generate audit-ready reports quickly and easily. 

Getting started with the policy management software is easy

Implementation and Onboarding

  • Easy to install SharePoint App.
  • A dedicated implementation specialist to help understand your existing business processes.
  • The specialist will work with you on the deployment of software, user training, and migration of existing documents
  • Go live in a matter of weeks.
  • Once live, unlimited access to the support team, user documentation, how-to videos, and on-demand training.

Are you ready to learn more?

Talk to one of our policy management experts today!