
Compliance Software – Insurance and Employee Benefits Industry

Compliance Management Software for the Insurance and Employee Benefits Industry

The insurance and employee benefits industry knows more than anyone else the importance of an effective compliance program. After all, the industry has one essential role in the business world — to underwrite policies and pay out claims upon conditional stimuli events — meaning managing risk and compliance is an inherent piece of the business offering.

Mitigating risk centers around establishing a consistent set of policies and procedures to follow, as well as negotiating contracts that will benefit all parties involved. ConvergePoint has helped insurance and employee benefits firms strengthen their compliance programs with compliance management software, built on Microsoft SharePoint.

We understand that the insurance and employee benefits industry face unique compliance challenges because the industry itself is highly volatile and requires a significant amount of transparency. With our software, we can help ensure your organization stays highly agile in your policy and procedure application, contract negotiations and compliance management efforts.

Trusted by happy customers across industries for their regulatory compliance best practices

Helpful Regulatory Links for the Insurance and Employee Benefits Industry

  • U.S. Department of the Treasury: Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance (FACI)
  • U.S. Financial Accounting and Standards Board (FASB)
  • National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury: Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC)
  • The Center for Insurance Policy and Research (CIPR)
  • Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission (IIPRC)

Our Insurance and Employee Benefits Clients Benefit From

  • Increased employee awareness about compliance initiative
  • Custom workflows for policy and contract creation, distribution, renewal and retirement, while maintaining consistent, centralized and uniform compliance processes
  • Configurable forms and forced compliance data capture (including discussion, revisions, version history and full audit trails)
  • Advanced search functionality and ad hoc reports
  • Proactive email reminders and notifications when policies and contracts are due for revisions, renewal, expiration or retirement

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