
Contract Management System Migration Process

You’re in need of a contract management system, but your organization can’t afford to waste months on drawn out contract migration and implementation processes. At ConvergePoint, we understand that with compliance regulations ever-changing, you have a strong sense of urgency to get up and running as quickly as possible.

That’s why our Contract Management Software leverages your existing resources and extends the Microsoft SharePoint platform to address your specific business needs, easily streamline your contract processes and organize your documents.

As two sites on one platform, the software guides your legal team through the contract process and surrounding workflows, as well as manages your contracts, whether you have hundreds or thousands. Best of all? Migrating your files to the Contract Management Software takes days instead of months.

SharePoint Contract Management System Features,

  • Get up and running quickly, with a fast contract migration

  • Uploading documents takes anywhere from two days to two weeks, depending on the number of files

  • Have all your files stored in one central repository, making it easy to later find your contracts and related discussions, previous versions, notes, supporting documents and metadata

  • Keep your existing documents in their current format

  • By using Microsoft SharePoint, you’ll be able to keep your files, which were most likely created in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc., in the same file formats.

Navigating contract migration within a CLM system is a critical task for organizations seeking efficiency and compliance. By leveraging advanced technologies and expert strategies offered by ConvergePoint's Contract Management Software, organizations can streamline the migration process in CLM.

A comprehensive guide to harnessing Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint for Contract Lifecycle Management

Ready to experience seamless contract migration in CLM? Request a personalized demo today and discover how ConvergePoint's solutions can elevate your processes.

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